Monday, February 13, 2012


I’m a sucker for movies made in Seattle. And I know Seattleites say things like “why do they always have to show the Space Needle whenever they make a movie about Seattle. Seattle is more than the Space Needle”. Well to those people I say:
 Shut the fuck up….

So I read that they are making a live action version of Akira with white people. Why do Asians stand for this I’ll have to write about another day.  Chronicle is basically Akira with white people. Ok so there a black guy too, but you get the point. Anyway that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Akira is Japanese and putting a white guy in the staring role like Hollywood did with Goku in Dragonball Z was just stupid.
So instead of Whikira, we get Chronicle.
Which is really…..really good.
Three teenagers acquire telekinetic powers via what appears to be a crashed alien. It’s never made clear what exactly is the mysterious object in the ground, but trust me, it is not important. They’re keeping it a secret because apparently 20th Century Fox wants to make a franchise out of this film. We’ll have to see where that goes. Studios had the same plans for Push (TV) and Jumper (Sequel) but nothing came of it.
The acting is pretty good. The abusive drunk father is not on the screen much but when he is you hate him, Which is kind of how you’re supposed to feel about an abusive drunken father.
Once I realized that the director had stolen this idea from Cloverfield/Blair Witch I was set to dislike this movie but I it’s really really good.
As the move progresses and Andrew groes stronger you can just here Peter Parker uncle Ben saying “with great power comes great responsibility”

Feel Andrews Rage!

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